How to upload map corrections?
carNAVi is continously improving the digital GPS map of the Philippines and we would like to encourage you to actively help in getting the maps better by reporting incorrect map and routing data.
Please select the type of change and describe it as detailed as possible. If you know the coordinates, please enter them also with your comment. You may upload your recorded tracks, waypoint files, a screenshot, scetch or other file to support your report.
Visit the Map Reporting web page to upload your data.
Below you see a sample of the map reporting form:
Please combine multiple files into an archive using zip, 7-zip* or rar.
Accepted file types are: jpg, png, bmp, gif, zip, rar, 7z, pdf, doc, gpx, gdb, wpt, mps (max. 10MB)
More information about contributing data are available at this article or at our FAQ.
Related entries:
- How can I record a road track?
- How can I collect Waypoints / Points of Interest
- What cellphones are compatible with carNAVi's Bluetooth?
- What is the map coverage?
- Why my carNAVi has no more map?
Revision: 1.1