Records in this category
- How long is the battery life?
- Can I use my phone charger for carNAVi?
- What kind of SD memory cards can I use?
- How can I have longer battery life?
- What shall I do if my carNAVi needs repair?
- How long is the warranty?
- Can I use the carNAVi car adapter with my cellphone?
- My touch screen has already scratches after views days!
- Why is the touch screen not sensitive?
- What is the average life of the rechargeable battery?
- How to use larger SD cards with carNAVi?
ID #1024
What shall I do if my carNAVi needs repair?
If you have a problem with your hardware or you think your carNAVi needs repair, please contact our customer care and after sales support team, just open the support request form on our website.
Many problems may be solved on your own, please check first possible solutions:
- If you have accidentally deleted parts or all of the data from your carNAVi device, kindly visit our software archive and search for 'recovery' or simply click this link and download our software recovery tool.
. - Visit the map updates download section, to get updated maps.
. - Here you can find software updates.
. - Take your time and browse this FAQ's before you send a question or message to us. Quite often
you'll be able to find answers here.
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Related entries:
- How to update the map using Windows?
- How can I convert video files for optimal display?
- Can I use my phone charger for carNAVi?
- How can I record a road track?
- How to upload map corrections?
Revision: 1.8